



datum23 juli 2010 01:16

onderwerp: Introducing new Dutch website: 'Wititj Healing'



What a wonderful initiative you have achieved with Wititj healing. I wanted also to link you in with the ISX and the Rripangu Yidaki listing
http://www.isx.org.au/projects/1234312854_21339.html and the idea that we are trying to support of a traditional knowledge university. I have already put a link up to your site on the ISX website and am sending out a note to everyone on our mailing list. The ISX is a good way for European people to make investments and donations to support Indigenous commercial, social and cultural initiatives.

Yours truly

Peter Botsman

Voluntary National Secretary
Peter Botsman


Dear Friends of the ISX,

1. Wititj Dreaming: Cor van Keuk has put up a great new website from the Netherlands called “Wititj Healing” which highlights the remarkable healing powers of the yidaki (didgeridoo) and the extraordinary rich history of the Yolngu people. You may wonder at Holland, given that so many Australians do not understand much about the sacred origins of the yidaki!
Cor explains as follows:

Amsterdam, 22 July 2010
Dear friends,
Some years ago I started writing about reconciliation between the Netherlands and traditional owners of Australia, mostly the Yolngu, Aurukun, Tiwi and Bundjalung.
As the research continued I wrote a plea to the Dutch government for reconciliation with the Yolngu. This concerns amongst other things the first 'Battle at Blue Mud Bay', which happened in 1623. May I now introduce the Dutch websit 'Wititj (Rainbow serpent of the Galpu clan) Healing' in which I tell more of this story. Both from Yolngu and Dutch perspective.


With respect, thankfully,
Cor van Keuk; Wititj custodian."





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